October 2017
Adding Value Through Robotics and AI
Ian was sought out to present the keynote presentation on Adding Value Through Robotics and Artificial Intelligence at a leading Finance conference in Stockholm.
In addition to showcasing his industry insight and expertise to drive operational efficiency improvements, Ian demonstrated how to create a software (RPA) robot live on stage.
Pictured with Ian are Pia Sehm (TV news journalist) and David Fredriksson (Technology Consultant).
June 2016
Cyber Risk Europe
Ian will be speaking at the leading Cyber Risk conference on developing a robust framework for new digital products to support future business profitability and growth.
Other speakers include Darren Argyle (Chief Information Security Officer, MARKIT), Philip Harrison (Chief Information Security Officer, GE CAPITAL) and Emeric Miszti (Chief Information Security Officer, MIB GROUP).
November 2015
European Trading Architecture Summit 2015
Ian has been invited to speak at the leading Trading Architecture Summit on 19th November. At the leading industry conference, Ian will be discussing the strategic priorities to drive technical innovation and identify the most profitable trading technology investments for 2016.
Other speakers include Barney Dalton (CTO, ASPECT CAPITAL), Erik Vynckier (Chief Investment Officer, ALLIANCE BERNSTEIN), Usama Fayyad (Chief Data Officer, BARCLAYS) and Zishan Khan, (Chief Operating Officer – EMEA Technology & Operations, BANK OF AMERICA MERRILL LYNCH).
CIO Dialogue
Ian is excited to be confirmed as a keynote speaker at the leading CIO Dialogue conference on 2-3 November 2015.
Ian will be presenting a thought provoking session on “Cost optimisation in 2016: Creating long term sustainable value for your organization”.
November 2014
European Trading Architecture Summit 2014
Ian was invited to address the leading Trading Architecture Summit along with an industry CIO line up of Chaker Zammouri (Managing Director, Credit Agricole), Alex Batlin ( Group CTO, Applied Innovation, UBS) and Hervé Morel-Derocle ( CIO AXA Investment Managers).
The leading session focused on Transforming Your Business by embracing innovation and harnessing emerging technologies.
The IT Directors’ Forum
Ian has been invited to speak at the leading IT Directors’ Forum on 10-13th October.
Ian will be presenting an exciting thought leadership session of the Social CRM mega trends that are transforming strategic priorities to deliver competitive advantage.
Trading Architecture Europe
Ian has been confirmed as the Chairman for the exclusive stream of CIO / CTO sessions at the prestigious Trading Architecture conference.
Ian will be focusing on the strategic priorities that will differentiate the critical game changers for competitive advantage in 2013.
JUNE 2012
The Møller Centre, Cambridge University
The Møller Centre, Cambridge University is one of the world’s leading educational and industry centres dedicated to executive training.
As part of an international training programme, Ian was approached to present an inspired thought leadership session on “Product and Service Innovation” to senior executives from a major Chinese national bank.
Financial Times Meeting Growth Objectives through Innovation
Ian will be speaking at the leading Financial Times forum on Meeting Growth objectives through Innovation.
Ian is looking forward to sharing his perspective and leadership insight on the disruptive technologies that CIOs need to embrace to drive bottom line earnings and top line revenue growth.
MAY 2012
6th Annual Corporate Banking Conference
Ian has been confirmed as a key note speaker at the leading European Corporate Banking Conference in Prague.
At the leading ‘Bankers to Bankers’ conference, Ian will be presenting an exciting session on how to maximise the use of the Social Media to drive information, intelligence and greater customer insight for financial institutions.
HP Software Universe UK & Ireland 2012
Ian is excited to announce that he will be presenting a leadership session at the HP Software Universe 2012 conference.
Ian will be discussing the megatrends and innovations that are transforming strategic priorities to deliver competitive advantage for today’s global financial institutions.
MARCH 2012
Finacial Times CIO and Technology Leaders Forum
Ian has been invited to speak at the leading Financial Times CIO forum titled “Managing IT Complexity to achieve competitive advantage”.
Ian will be discussing the strategic priorities and enablers that are delivering intelligent growth to drive bottom line earnings and top line revenue growth in 2012.
Other speakers include Cathryn Riley (Group CIO, AVIVA), Bryan Glick (Editor in Chief, COMPUTER WEEKLY) and Paul Taylor ( US Technology and Telecommunication Editor, FINANCIAL TIMES).
CIO Event Annual Conference
Ian will be speaking at the forthcoming CIO Event Conference on the 24th and 25th January.
Ian will be presenting an interesting and insightful thought leadership session on”The New CIO Imperative” for several hundred industry leaders.
UKTech 50 Annual Conference
Ian has been confirmed as a speaker at the UKTech 50 annual conference. Ian will be presenting an informative session to industry executives on”Innovation and the role of the Futurologist”.
CIO Connect Annual Conference
Ian has been invited to speak at the forthcoming CIO Connect Annual Conference on the 4th/5th October.
Ian will be presenting the session ““How Can We Build the Right Kind of Innovation?” This will prove to be a lively and entertaining debate covering the key challenges and opportunities facing today’s innovation leaders.
360° IT 2010
Ian will be speaking at the leading 360° IT conference in London on 22nd September.
Ian will be presenting the session “Innovating With IT – Building For The Future”. This will be both a practical and enthralling insight into how organisations can drive cost reduction and competitive advantage through the innovative use of technology and outsourcing.
European Financial Information Summit 2010
Ian has been confirmed as a speaker at the European Financial Information Summit in London on 21st September.
Ian will be moderating the session on “High frequency and low latency trading : The data demands of fast markets”.
Other speakers for the session include Glenn Stevenson (Director, Electronic Trading Data, BANK OF AMERICA – MERRILL LYNCH), Tim Street (Head of Colo Trading Infrastructure, BARCLAYS CAPITAL) and David Hann (Managing Director EMEA, ACTIV FINANCIAL SYSTEMS).
JUNE 2010
The (Not-So-Secret) Secrets of Success
Ian Alderton is speaking at a leading industry conference titled “The (Not-So-Secret) Secrets of Success”, hosted by Bank of America Merrill Lynch.
Ian will be speaking alongside Diana Hogbin-Mills (Founder TALENTMAX), Adrian Pearce (Head of Global Markets & Research Technology EMEA, BANK OF AMERICA MERILL LYNCH), Sarah Mullen (Global Markets Operations and Middle Office, BANK OF AMERICA MERILL LYNCH) and Natasha Davydova (Group Head of Strategy for Technology and Operations, STANDARD CHARTERED).
TradeTech Architecture Expo
Ian has been confirmed as a presenter for the forthcoming Trade Tech Architecture conference in London on 10th-11th February 2010.
Ian will present the session :“What Has and Will Change in the Investment Banking World as a Result of the Financial Meltdown?”
This will prove to be a lively debate with key topics such as lessons learned from the current downturn, future opportunities for innovation and visionary leadership to define success.
Other speakers include Gerald Le Donne (CTO, CREDIT SUISSE) and Kevin Twitchen (Executive Director, MORGAN STANLEY).
CIONet ‘Things Have Changed’ Event
Ian has been invited to speak at the forthcoming CIOnet event in December 2009.
The CIOnet December 09 event focuses on lessons we need to learn as IT leaders in order to manage IT out of the downturn.
Ian is eager to apply his perspective around innovation and what this means for 2010.
CIO Executive Council
Ian is excited to announce that he has been asked to present at the forthcoming CIO Executive Council event in December.
This is an exciting opportunity for him to present and debate on Trends & Challenges for 2010.
‘Waters Power:09 Europe’ Conference
Ian spoke alongside Evangelos Kotsovinos (Vice President, MORGAN STANLEY), Julian Levy (Head of EMEA Infrastructure Innovation and Technology Research, BANK OF AMERICA / MERIL LYNCH), Patrick O’Dwyer (Director IT R&D, CREDIT SUISSE) and David Warm (Chief Technology Officer, Financial Services, PLATFORM COMPUTING) on the Costs, Risks and Benefits of Cloud Computing.
It was an energetic debate that took stock of how cloud technologies have matured and how it can generate real return as well as improved operational efficiency in a fast changing market place.
MAY 2009
‘Dealing With Technology 2009’ Conference
Ian was invited to address the DWT 2009 conference along with an industry heavy weight line up of Yomi Abatan (Enterprise Architect, Group Technology & Operations, DEUTSCHE BANK), Tony Chau (Global Chief Architect, Credit, Rates and Emerging Markets, IB Technology, JP MORGAN), Iain Craig (Head of Application Architecture, CREDIT SUISSE INVESTMENT BANKING DIVISION), Simon Hazlitt (Co-Founder, COO, MAJEDIE ASSET MANAGEMENT) and Evangelos Kotsovinos (Vice President, MORGAN STANLEY).
The key session focused on the challenges for ‘Calculating the Benefits of Cloud Computing’ and how to exceed return on investment in a fast changing market place.